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FTTH Council Asia-Pacific releases APAC Market Panorama Report 2019  

New Market Panorama released at FTTH APAC Conference 2019 reveals:

  • Total of 427.7 million FTTH/B subscribers and more than 550 million FTTH/B Homes Passed.
  • Singapore, China and South Korea top the list for penetration rates (see fig.1).
  • China, Japan and South Korea hold top positions in APAC for homes passed.
  • Thailand and Philippines following China with 35% and 28% annual growth (homes passed).
  • Philippines and Bangladesh following China with 168.6% and 149.6% of subscribers.
  • Forecast till 2023 says FTTH/B solutions will become mainstream, followed by strong fiber adoption.

Wuhan, April 16, 2019 – Today the latest figures of the FTTH Market Panorama by FTTH Council Asia-Pacific were released at the Council’s FTTH APAC Conference 2019. The study examines the rollout of FTTH/B and other fiber-based architectures in 21 countries across the region*. 

Collectively, fiber take-up rate across these countries is now at 77.6%, which is 10.1 percentage points higher than the previous year**. In comparison with 2014, the number of subscribers has quadrupled and the number of Homes Passed has grown by a factor 1.7. By Dec. 2018, the 21 APAC countries under study had reached almost 550 million homes with FTTH/B networks representing coverage of 61.5% compared to the total number of homes.  

China maintains its peak position, representing 74% of the total FTTH/B Homes Passed in the APAC region, The highest annual growth rates were seen in Thailand (+35%), Philippines (+28%), Sri Lanka (+25%), Kazakhstan (+24.9%) and Indonesia (+24.6%). The largest increase in subscribers was seen in the Philippines (+168.6%), followed by Bangladesh (+149.6%), Indonesia (+59.5%), Thailand (+37%) and New Zealand (+30.2%), PON is clearly the preferred connectivity technology across the region FTTH GPON remains the norm for fiber networks in APAC. Compared to other regions, there is a high proportion of MDUs (Multi Dwelling Units) as a consequence of high population densities. Furthermore, LTE is becoming increasingly mature across the region, with South Korea, Japan and city-countries are leading the way and China playing an essential role. LTE is also spreading in less advanced markets thanks to a wide range of drivers, such as increased competition, dropping prices, and a generation of young digital users. 

Some two-thirds of Around 64% of all Homes in the region have been passed by Alternative ISPs, with the remainder covered by incumbents. According to the report, Homes Passed by FTTH networks are expected to increase by 18% (~649 million homes) by 2023, while FTTH Subscribers will grow by 35% (~576 million subscriptions). This will, at first, mainly take place in the most densely populated countries. 

“Across the region, public-private initiatives and National Broadband initiatives are fuelling growth,” states Venkatesan Babu, President, FTTH Council Asia-Pacific. “Alternative players are taking a leading role in FTTH/B alternatives. Continued migration away from copper and 5G will be a key factor in promoting fiber deployments, boosting investments from public and private players. These latest figures show a continued accelerated momentum. Full fiber is the way forward and the results of the Panorama provide compelling evidence of this.

Fiber expansion is booming in many countries and today more consumers are aware of the benefits of fiber. However, there is still a long way to go until every citizen and business has access to the benefits of full fiber.” 

The annual research is carried out by IDATE DigiWorld, and the FTTH Council Asia-Pacific shares these updated numbers each year during its FTTH APAC Conference. A more detailed version of this annual research report is exclusively accessible to FTTH Council Asia-Pacific Members, along with a wide range of research studies, information and the latest market developments, as well as the opportunity to share findings with other members and stakeholders. To find out more about the work of the FTTH Council Asia-Pacific, please visit

*Australia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Kazakhstan, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, New Zealand, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam *Take-up rate = FTTHB Subs / FTTHB Homes Passed.


Fig 1:APAC Ranking as at December 2018 Includes countries of +200k Households in which FTTH/B subscribers represent at least 1% of total households

About FTTH Council Asia -Pacific

The FTTH Council Asia-Pacific is a non-profit organization established in 2005 in Singapore. The organization is building on the success of its sister organizations in the US and Europe to educate the industry and the general public on the opportunities and benefits of FTTH solutions. FTTH Council Asia-Pacific members represent all areas of broadband industries, including telecommunications, computing, networking, system integration, engineering and content-provider companies, as well as traditional telecommunications service providers, utilities and municipalities.

This year’s annual FTTH Council APAC conference is focusing on ‘5G Smart Cities Enabled by Fiber’ and explores how the Asia Pacific fiber broadband industry is deploying FTTx and deep fiber at the ‘edge’, creating a converged platform for Smart Cities and 5G networks. The FTTH Council Asia-Pacific has also been appointed as the Chair of the FTTH Council Global Alliance (FCGA) for 2019. This global platform combines the strengths of six regional FTTH Councils. 

PR Contact:

Rusafie Alam
Associate Manager
FTTH Council Asia-Pacific

John Edwards
Sonix Communications
+31 (0)40 3041001

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