What is Gimme Fiber Day?
Since 2013, every year on 4 November we celebrate Gimme Fiber Day! Celebrate this anniversary with us ad help us spread the word about the importance of full fiber connectivity for our everyday life.This year, the focus of Gimme Fiber day is on one of the most important challenges that the fiber industry needs to address in the short term: the adoption of fiber services.
4 November is the birthdate of Nobel Prize winner Sir Charles Kuen Kao, who was awarded in 2009 the Nobel Prize in Physics for “ground-breaking achievements concerning the transmission of light in fibers for optical communication”.
For this reason, every year on 4 November, people all over the world celebrate and showcase Fiber to the Home. Why? Simply because FTTH is the only future-proof broadband access solution and it positively impacts individuals and their communities!
Here is why Gimme Fiber Day is YOUR day! Why don’t you get on board, spread the word and make this day a success?