Benefits For Platinum Members
- Benefits Of Platinum Members -
Platinum Members of the Fiber Network Council APAC are considered leaders in the fiber broadband industry and play a crucial role in shaping the strategic focus and direction of the organization. Eligibility for Platinum membership is open to all companies involved in the fiber industry, including network operators, vendors, and consultants. These members receive additional benefits and help the association drive the fiber industry forward.
- Annual Members Meeting -
The Fiber Network Council APAC’s Board of Directors and its president rely heavily on the input and guidance from the Platinum Members. This input is sought throughout the year and culminates in an intensive two-day strategic planning session during the fourth quarter at the annual Platinum Members Meeting. This meeting is an important occasion for the Association to gather the input and direction from its Platinum Members to help guide the future direction of the organization.
- Board of Directors Elections -
The Fiber Network Council APAC is governed by a seven-member Board of Directors, elected on a rotating basis for three-year terms. These elections take place during the annual Platinum Members Meeting, which is only open to Platinum Members. Only Platinum Members are eligible to serve on the Board of Directors and to vote in these elections.
- Present a Webinar -
As a Platinum Member of the Fiber Network Council APAC, you will be given the opportunity to share your knowledge and expertise with others through 4 complimentary webinar presentations per membership cycle. These webinars, which are marketed and hosted by FNC APAC, provide a valuable platform for your company to showcase its industry leadership and expertise, while also reaching your target audience in an educational and informative manner.
- Contribute an Original Piece to Optics -
As a Platinum Member of FNC APAC, you will have the opportunity to share your company’s news and content on our platform and receive special privileges such as priority publication, a prominent position on the homepage and newsletter, and assistance from our content team to create unique pieces for publication. Additionally, as an FNC APAC member, you will have access to Optics, our weekly news and information source that covers various aspects of the fiber industry, including expert interviews and in-depth articles on current trends and issues affecting our members.
- Speakers Network -
As a Platinum Member, you have the opportunity to join the FNC APAC Speakers Network, which is a collection of experts in the field who are available to give presentations and share their knowledge at industry events such as Fiber Connect and our educational workshops.
Fiber Network Council APAC Secretariat
141 Cecil Street #10-03
Tung Ann Association Building
Singapore 069541
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